
  • During RCE of the main page I decided to cat the "/denied.php" page to see what I got.

    • I found a snippet of code at the top that is supposed to verify the session login to allow access to the page.

  • It looks like it is just a piece that verifies whether I am logged in or not.

  • I next captured a packet when checking one of the other tabs with Burpsuite.

  • Looks like it comes with a unique session ID. I decided to capture the response back as well.

    • Nothing of note here. Just the same source code when viewing the page

  • I decided to logout and back in to see if the session id changes. I'm also going to grab all the packets with burpsuite.

    • There is a third parameter there called sub that is interesting. Changing it does nothing though.

  • I captured the response packet as well.

  • I'm going to try changing my session id. Nothing of note changes when I try 0 and 1

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