Since I found that the FTP version had an exploit available, I went over to Metasploit to try to use it.

Looks like there is an excellent exploit available so let's give it a try.
Unfortunately, a session was not created for some reason.
I then attempted to try the exploit out manually.
From your host terminal run the following.
This exploit is actually a backdoor built into this version of FTP. All you have to do is add the smiley face at the end of the username you put in and it will allow you access.
This has FTP open new port access on Port 6200.
As soon as you are done doing the above then open a new terminal and run the following.
It should take a little while but you should be able to then have root privileges to the account.
Unfortunately, I couldn't get this to work either for some reason. I even reset the machine and tried on Parrot. No luck either way.
Last updated