Last updated
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Task 1: How many TCP ports are open on the machine?
Quick nmap scan shows 2 tcp ports open
Task 2: Which service is running on port 27017 of the remote host?
Run a quick nmap scan:
Version --> MongoDB 3.6.8
Task 3: What type of database is MongoDB? (Choose: SQL or NoSQL)
A quick google search shows it is a noSQL
Task 4: What is the command name for the Mongo shell that is installed with the mongodb-clients package?
The command name is just "mongo"
Task 5: What is the command used for listing all the databases present on the MongoDB server? (No need to include a trailing ;)
Reviewing the write up, there is a section after connecting to the database that shows the command: "show dbs"
Task 6: What is the command used for listing out the collections in a database? (No need to include a trailing ;)
In the write up the command is "show collections"
Task 7: What is the command used for dumping the content of all the documents within the collection named flag in a format that is easy to read?
Looking in the write up shows the command is db.flag.find().pretty()
Submit the Flag:
Start by installing mongodb to your hackbox.
Follow the steps in the write up to do this.
Once you have it installed, access the database with:
Next show what databases are available with "show dbs":
Switch to "sensitive_information" with "use" command:
Next is to show the collections in this database:
To open the flag, use the following command: