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Task 1
Which service version is found to be running on port 80?
Run the following nmap scan
nmap -sV -p 80 [IP]
The answer is "nginx 1.14.2"
Task 2
What is the 3-digit HTTP status code returned when you visit http://{machine IP}/?
Run the following to easily discover the code:
curl -v http://[IP]
The answer is 302
Task 3
What is the virtual host name the webpage expects to be accessed by?
In your web browser input the IP you were given and it should automatically transfer you.
The URL should now read "ignition.htb" which is the answer.
Task 4
What is the full path to the file on a Linux computer that holds a local list of domain name to IP address pairs?
The answer is /etc/hosts
Task 5
Use a tool to brute force directories on the webserver. What is the full URL to the Magento login page?
Run a gobuster dir search:
gobuster dir -u http://ignition.htb/ -w /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt
The answer will pop up with /admin. Therefore the full URL is:
Task 6
Look up the password requirements for Magento and also try searching for the most commong passwords of 2023. Which password provides access to the admin account?
Googled password requirements for Magento and it shows that at minimum it needs to be 7 characters long with letters and numbers.
I googled most used passwords for 2023 and after trying a few finally found that "qwerty123" works.
Submit Flag:
Once you have signed into the admin account the flag will be on the first page in the text: